
A lot of people at work are sick lately. I did pilates last night. You wouldn’t normally think these two things have anything to do with eachother, but how wrong you’d be. I did the extreme abs pilates workout, and thanks to my co-workers I’m developing a bit of a cough. I think you know … Continue reading Relations


Someone just commented on this entry. This is what they left: IP Address: Name: 4SSH0L3 Email Address: URL: Comments: I HATE YOU! Thanks random 4SSH0L3, I hate you too 🙂 Continue reading HATE!

I want to be, popular

I’ve been meaning to have a post-holiday gathering since about the 5th of January. But everyone kept beating me to the punch! Whether it was a casual gathering, planned party, conference, family obligation, or “other” – Every time I think of a good date, something comes up. BUT NO MORE! I know it’s obscenely far … Continue reading I want to be, popular


I have a midterm in 2.5 hours. I have yet to start studying. -I need to stay at work for the next 0.5h -It’ll take me another 0.5h to get home -Where I’ll spend 0.75h shoveling nutrition and caffeine into my maw -That leaves 0.25h for me to put my notes in the right order, … Continue reading Panic


I wear my makeup pretty much exactly the same every day. Lately though, I’ve been doing something a bit different. I’m trying to wear lipstick (instead of chap-stick) every day. Mostly because I have a LOT of lipstick thanks to Clinique bonus time. It’s all moisturizing lipstick – so it does the same job as … Continue reading Observation


Kimono Originally uploaded by peechie. My dad returned from Japan yesterday, and brought back a few sweet gifts for my mom, brothers, and me. Pics of the swords he got my brothers, and the stuff he got me are all on flickr. I didn’t think to take a picture of the sweaters & jewelry box … Continue reading Presents!

Go Here Now

Go watch this. Take the 8 minutes. It’s the closest you’ll come to watching your life flash before your eyes without actually dying. UPDATE: (10:03pm) Now that the glow has worn off, it seems that after re-reading my description above, I was perhaps a bit overenthusiastic about the significance of the piece. I can’t … Continue reading Go Here Now

Devil Hat

Devil Hat Originally uploaded by peechie. Yay for packages in the mail! It almost feels like Christmas! I got the devil hat I ordered from Mac of pesky’apostrophe in my mailbox today. Since it’s still pretty chilly in this part of the world, I wore the hat out tonight – and it’s official, the guy … Continue reading Devil Hat

Moose in the News

Peter Tupper’s article on the information he gleaned from Northern Voice has just been posted in the Tyee. I find it a bit ironic that as a journalist, whose article includes a segment on “the blogger as citizen journalist,” he (awkwardly) jumps around the who, what, where, when and how of the conference and sessions … Continue reading Moose in the News


And the �berbed is complete. Pics now up on flickr. It’s been a very long weekend so far. I can’t wait to crawl into the �berbed tonight and crash. [UPDATE]: Monday Feb. 21, 9:00am. The only problem with the �berbed thus far, is the extreme willpower needed to actually crawl out of it when the … Continue reading Bed