Northern Voice

I’m at the Vancouver Northern Voice Blogging Conference today. I forgot my camera. Good thing there will likely be a bajillion pictures on flickr before the end of the day. Some of them may be there already. (Update: as of posting time there are at least 24 pages of photos – find them here) If … Continue reading Northern Voice


I finally had my interview. I think it went well, but only time will tell whether or not my particular skill set matches what the team lead will want. I’ll know before Monday. My ebay order did indeed ship the next business day, but nobody emailed me to tell me that. I still don’t have … Continue reading Score!

Name Game

More than I’m sure you ever wanted to know: Your Boobies’ Names Are: Dessert and Dinner Get your own Boobie Names Having Dessert come first goes against every type A tendency in my poor addled brain. It also doesn’t give me any sort of guide as to which is which! Also, I loathe the word … Continue reading Name Game


I haven’t really listened to Z95.3 in a long time. Probably around 6 years. But I was sick of all the other stations, so I figured I’d give it a go again this morning. They are still playing all the same songs they were playing 6 years ago, when I was dating that red-haired boy … Continue reading Why?

FREAK. ING. OUT. I’m supposed to be in an interview right now. But I am not. My interviewer is stuck in traffic. I barely made it to 9:00am. I CAN’T WAIT ANY LONGER! IT’S DRIVING ME CRAZY! All of the candidates are really different (they interview all internal applicants) so I suppose it’ll be a … Continue reading


Wanna know what pisses me off, more then anything else in the world, ever? When someone says they’re going to do something, then DOESN’T DO IT. Commitments have been made (or strongly implied) in both my personal and professional lives. And have yet to be fulfilled. It’s driving me INSANE. If I can paypal you … Continue reading Waiting.


Not that this has any bearing on my life whatsoever at the moment, but I have a question for all y’all: Is it still expected that a guy will ask a girl’s father’s permission before asking her to marry him? I know there are plenty of women who don’t have that kind of relationship with … Continue reading Question

Mrs. Computer?

Speaking of computers, yay for new ones! I won a 3rd PC from work today, and this one came with a couple nice things I’m keeping for myself before passing the system on to my brother. 1. New Monitor – 19″ instead of 17″. Happiness is viewing things at 1280×1024. 2. New Mouse. Happiness is … Continue reading Mrs. Computer?

Mr. Computer

Received this in my email today and just had to share: A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. ”House” for instance, is feminine: ”la casa.” ”Pencil,” however, is masculine: “el lapiz.” A student asked, ”What gender is ‘computer’?” Instead of giving … Continue reading Mr. Computer


The cockblocking continues. Sometime between going to bed last night, and getting up this morning, I lost my house keys. Thankfully my brother has an extra set, and dropped them off for me this afternoon, but in the interim I have no mail key. This is completely traumatising, because I don’t lose things. Ever. I’m … Continue reading 1d10t