
Dear GlaxoSmithKline, I’d like to thank you for the service your TUMS Extra Strength antacid/calcium supplements provide me. I can safely go to sleep with minty fresh breath, chalky residue on my tongue, and positively fortified with calcium – all in an effort to treat my “sour stomach caused by excess stomach acidity.” Please make … Continue reading Complaint


It started out as just a few drinks with the girls! I promise! But you know it’s been a good night when you have the drinks with the girls, then go out dancing. And end up with a VIP pass to the club from the DJ…. And get hit on by a hot girl.. And … Continue reading Good.

Decision Time

Valentine’s Day is coming up. I’ve never been single going into it before (I was dumped V-Day afternoon once, but we don’t talk about that). Unless I run into the love of my life within the next 11 days, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be single when it rolls around. I’m not quite sure what … Continue reading Decision Time

Categorically Speaking

I’ve decided to suck it up and add categories to the blog. The only reason they hadn’t been here earlier is sheer laziness, so I’ll try them for a while and see how it goes. It was brought up in conversation the other day that there’s a preconceived notion among some male-folk I know that … Continue reading Categorically Speaking


There’s an article in The Tyee today about a different stance on the same-sex marriage debate. The author Stan Persky puts out the position that it’s not an argument about marriage, it’s an argument about validating (or not) same-sex sex. Because we all know that the most important part of a marriage is the consummation … Continue reading Homosex

Innie or Outie?

Apparently I take my social cues from my belly button. Richard has posted this before, but today was the first time I took the time to read Caring for your Introvert. It was a bit like being tossed into an episode of This is Your Life. A couple passages stood out especially for me: Introverts … Continue reading Innie or Outie?

So. Tired.

I sat up until 12:45 talking with my brother. I hope he leaves that girl. I doubt he will. He shares my desire to see the absolute best in people no matter what. Usually to our detriment. Instead of being pro-active, he’s waiting for her to dump him this weekend. I just worry about what … Continue reading So. Tired.

Who Me?

Who’s the bestest big sister in the world? Yep. That’d be me. My youngest brother crashes on my couch a night or two a week to save himself a couple hours of sleep on the nights he works at his part-time job downtown. Tonight is one of those nights. The poor chap is also having … Continue reading Who Me?

Sellin’ Puppies

What do you do when the main database at work has to incur an “emergency shutdown” (fancy words for – oh shit, oracle’s broken here…)? Ok, what do you do after you’ve read every news article, Fark post and RSS feed that holds the tiniest promise of interest? Then what do you do when you’ve … Continue reading Sellin’ Puppies

Up n Down

I’ve been debating over what to write lately – everything I think of seems to be either very mundane, or very whiney. I figure my readers don’t need to hear about either of those – but how about both! mundanities I had a pretty quiet weekend. Friday evening was spent out with friends playing Carcassonne … Continue reading Up n Down