
Not to freak anyone (or myself) out, but what I had sounds an awful lot like the Mumps (which is a word that, if you say it to yourself enough times, sounds absolutely ridiculous). I figured this out when I looked at my (still slightly swolen) tongue in the mirror this morning and it looks … Continue reading Hypochondriac


I am officially sick. Achey, flushed, sore throat, fever, headache. And my brother is here. He has a knack of showing up whenever I want him not to. Extra tired? Sick? Cranky? It’s almost guaranteed that he’ll be on my couch when I arrive home. Can’t I just come home and wallow in my misery … Continue reading 98.6+

Blip Bloop

Yes, I’m still here. Just totally uninteresting. Remember all that stuff I did the weekend before last? Now that it’s finally been done, last weekend was full of all sorts of nothing. It was bliss. I’m pretty happy that the strike didn’t mess up my class at all, though I wonder just how far the … Continue reading Blip Bloop

Collect All Six

That’s what the can says on the little Coca Cola Olympic Polar Bear on my desk. It has nothing to do with anything. It’s really, obscenely difficult to find a family doctor ’round these parts. Apparently doctors are only accepting new pregnant patients, and if you are with child then they’d be happy to book … Continue reading Collect All Six


It’s a slow week at work. Next week I’m in another training module, but today and tomorrow are exercises in “looking busy.” I’ve been refreshing my RSS reader like a mad-person. Nobody is updating. The only feed that’s showing new content is a not-safe-for-work blog. I wonder how much longer until I crack and read … Continue reading Temptation

I. Am. Crazy.

I finally went back to the gym yesterday, after a month-long hiatus. I know, I meant to go more during the holiday season, but it just didn’t happen. Until yesterday. And it felt good. Perhaps it was the endorphins, or just a full-moon or something… but that good feeling prompted me to do something completely … Continue reading I. Am. Crazy.


I was saving this for a day where it actually meant something – but I felt like just posting it already. My brilliant metaphor. Boys – pay attention. I came up with this one for a guy friend, and I think the analogy finally made him realize what exatly was going on, and why he … Continue reading Tidbit


You can just call me Diva Martha Vila. Today I have: -Cleaned off the deck (including finally getting rid of the dead plants) -Cleaned the weather and grime off the bbq and bought it a new cover -Fixed my squeaky chair -Poly-filled some holes in the walls (damn wall anchors leave large-ass holes) -Painted over … Continue reading SuperWoman

Babies of the 80’s

Went out to 80’s night at Shine last night. Funky little club. Well-stocked and almost reasonably priced premium liquors. The DJs were decidedly unenthusiastic and seemed to have a lot of trouble matching beats and keeping the playlist flowing – but I don’t usually expect a lot from DJs in this city anyway. My major … Continue reading Babies of the 80’s

Helping Hands

I just received an email from Nick about posting a link to promote all of the local events taking place to raise funds for Tsunami disaster relief. Holy cow are there ever a ton of them. Find the official listings here. There are also many bloggers who are trying to find a way to help … Continue reading Helping Hands