
If you’re out there, anywhere, I’d love to talk to someone who’s highly experienced in piercing. Specifically, multiple nipple piercings in relation to breast feeding. I’d like to have mine re-pierced (after a rejection), and want to know the likelihood of scar tissue blocking the ducts. Not that I’m thinking of reproducing any time within … Continue reading Wanted

One Thing

Just thought I’d put it out there – lest the Universe smite me for failing to acknowledge this tidbit – I registered for my HR class after work tonight, and aside from the long lineups, everything went just fine. Four days down, 361 to go. Continue reading One Thing

Brick Wall

I have officially dubbed 2005 The Year of the Obstacle. Seriously, every time I try to do something these days, I run into some sort of wall that I’ve got to find a way around, over, under, whatever. January 1: Hard Drive Fails (on the first day after the warranty expires too…) January 2: Attempt … Continue reading Brick Wall

New Year’s Meme

What did you do in 2004 that you’d never done before? Raised $2000 for Charity, Walked 60kms, Dated (before this year I�d never done the whole �noncommittal wining and dining� thing), Worked full-time all year (I miss school!), Applied for EI (damn me and my elite job-finding skills, I wasn�t unemployed long enough to collect). … Continue reading New Year’s Meme

Three Toed Beastie

Oh the sloth that I’ve been experiencing this week. It’s so glorious it’s almost unbearable. I’ve done nearly nothing in the past three days. In fact, I’ve done so little that I almost feel guilty about it. Almost – not quite. Saw The Life Aquatic on Sunday night. I loved it, though YMMV. It’s absolutely … Continue reading Three Toed Beastie

Take it Easy

I don’t have a problem with the whole Boxing Day Week Shopping Extravaganza. I can choose to participate or not, as I see fit. But seriously people – do you have to run out and buy the stores out of EVERYTHING? All I wanted was a couple of basic dishcloths. Mine were lookin’ a little … Continue reading Take it Easy


Wanted: Three Two ONE!(get ’em while they’re hot people!) friends who wants to go see Santa vs. The Snowman in all its IMAX glory either Wednesday or Thursday night (7:00pm showtime). all gone! I won 4 tickets on the radio, and even though it’s cheezy, it could quite possibly be fun. Leave a comment if … Continue reading WANTED


This is so overwhelming it just doesn’t seem real. I’ve lived in places with smaller populations than the number of dead. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like. A note to those who want to help: Please give generously if you can, but do your research. For example, more of your … Continue reading Helpless