Merry Christmas

Barrington Bunny -Martin Bell Once upon a time, in a large forest, there lived a very furry bunny. He had one lop ear, a tiny black nose, and unusually shiny eyes. His name was Barrington. Barrington was not really a very handsome bunny. He was brown and speckled, and his ears didn’t stand up right. … Continue reading Merry Christmas


Look! A Meme! Because I’m so bored it’s either this, or smash my face into my desk repeatedly. Stolen from everyone. Three names you go by: Jen peechie Jenny Piccalo Three things you like about yourself: My smokin’ hot ass I’m smrt My fierce independant streak Three things you don’t like about yourself: My tendency … Continue reading 3,3,3,3,3


I had a steak so good last night, I dreamt about it. Literally. I went to sleep and had a dream, and the steak was a prominent character. Then I woke up at about 3:30am and didn’t get back to sleep until 4:30am. And I still made it to work for 7:00am, because I must … Continue reading mmmmmmmmeat


Zen has returned. I have accepted the fact that it is now completely and entirely beyond my control to get any of those “things that must be finished” done. They’re just not going to happen. Oh well. Instead of stressing about it, I’m going to go out for dinner tonight, and forget that the problems … Continue reading acceptance

Hi. I am in full on “time to freak right the fuck out mode.” It’s time to recognize that there are a few things that just will. not. get. done. Have I mentioned I’m a bit of a perfectionist? And a worrier? Hold me. Update (11:24am): Just been informed that we get a half-day off … Continue reading

Boyz Rule!

I am clearly an idiot for not finding this roommate earlier in my life. First off, boys tend to have stuff girls don’t, and vice versa – and I’m not talking biology here. For instance, the bathroom. I am a girl – a girly girl even. In the shower I’ve got shampoo, conditioner, body wash, … Continue reading Boyz Rule!


Despite the cranky nature of my posts lately (proving again, blogging is more cathartic than anything), I’m actually really enjoying the season. I’ve put a strict policy in place of not actually making plans for any evening, and judging on a day-by-day basis whether I have the time and energy to go out or not … Continue reading Zen