Those People

You know what I can’t stand? Those people who disagree with absolutely everything you say just because they can. More than half the time, they don’t even disagree with your idea or the topic in general – but they’ll find a way to say the same thing differently enough so that it sounds like they’re … Continue reading Those People


And here it is… December! Twenty-Five days left until Christmas dinner! I can finally crack open the new Advent calendar and guiltlessly blast Christmas Carols in my immediate vicinity (as opposed to feeling a teensy bit of guilt for having done this since the middle of November). Also, according to this month’s issue of BC … Continue reading Twenty-Five

Two’s Company

Blogosphere, I’d like you all to meet Ray – my new roommate as of December 15th.

I have no pictures of Ray, and don’t currently know much about him at all, but I will share what I do know:

-He has paid his rent on time and not been any sort of nuisance according to any landlord I’ve spoken to.
-He has a girlfriend whom I suppose I’ll meet in fairly short order.
-He’s a self-confessed geek, and “tinkers” with computers.
-He is employed at a fairly prestigious technology institute, because once he finished his education, they just liked him that much and asked him to stay.
-He collects Transformers
-He comes with a rather large (I think 62″) rear-projection television set and a PS2.

Welcome, Ray! I think we’re going to get along just fine.
Continue reading “Two’s Company”

tick tick tick

Well, it must be less than a month until my contract expires, because I am officially starting to get a little antsy about it. Last year staff weren’t officially re-signed until a mere 7 days before their deals expired. That doesn’t make me want it done now any less. I dreamed about work last night. … Continue reading tick tick tick

Best PR Ever.

I just got a letter from my bank (CIBC) stating that since I never use my very high maximums for direct payment and cash withdrawls off my ATM card, they’re lowering my limits for these transactions to make me less susceptible to damages should fraud on my account occur. I’ve never known a financial institution … Continue reading Best PR Ever.

Turkey Lurkey

Happy Thanksgiving shout outs to all my brothers and sisters south of the 49th. Special thanks for y’all not going too crazy at the airports last night, so my dad could get home from LA with a minimum of incident. It’s a ridiculously beautiful autumn day here – I wonder if I claimed to be … Continue reading Turkey Lurkey

Haircut Entry

Since Mandy asked not once, but twice in previous comments, and I don’t have anything else interesting to say at the moment, I present to you:

Jen’s guide for successfully going from very long to very short hair with as little trauma as possible

1. The Decision
Think about it for a long, long time. When you think you really want short hair, think for at least a few more weeks. If you can not go more than 2 weeks without buying some new hair bauble or barette or chopstick-like thing to stick in it – short hair is probably not for you.
Continue reading “Haircut Entry”


I managed to burn myself, again, on the oven the other day. I think the bulk of this year’s holiday donations are going to the War Amps. I’ve got a feeling I’m going to need them someday soon…. Also, thanks to my buddy Eric for drawing my attention to the fact that I need to … Continue reading Bass-Ackwards