You know a garlic and onion dip is *good* when you can still taste a bit of garlic breath 24 hours and four vigorous tooth brushings later. It’s just a good thing we’ve got large cubicles at work…. Continue reading Gar-leek
Occasional musings from a Left-coast Canadian ExPat in Oxford.
You know a garlic and onion dip is *good* when you can still taste a bit of garlic breath 24 hours and four vigorous tooth brushings later. It’s just a good thing we’ve got large cubicles at work…. Continue reading Gar-leek
Ears: Blerk Blerk Blerk of alarm
Brain: Bzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ears: Blerk Blerk Blerk of alarm
Brain: Bzzzzzzzzzzzz
Feet: Pounding Pavement
Brain: Bzzzzzzzzzzzz
Continue reading “The Way You Make Me Feel”
I was out on a coffee date yesterday, and happened to see a guy I went to High School with. And when I say “see” I really mean just “see.” I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt my date, and high school guy also seemed to be accompanied by a lovely lady that may … Continue reading What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?
Those who worked with me last winter know that my mantra through the entire Christmas season was a daily Starbucks trip to procure a Grande Eggnog Latte and Cranberry Bliss Bar. Now that I’m on this whole health kick thing, I figured I’d check out the nutritional information of the aforementioned mid-morning snack. It consists … Continue reading Bah Humbug
Nothing like starting your Friday by surfing a little work-related porn. Also, I started my Christmas Shopping last night. I suppose that means it’s time to put up the tree & lights this weekend. The stuff I bought yesterday is all random “Christmas-themed Gifts.” Meaning they’re really cute, and not intended for anyone in particular. … Continue reading TGIF
Some days I seriously doubt my ability to do my job. Funny thing though, it’s not because I don’t believe I’m smart enough – it’s because I’m too smart. On these kind of days, I tend to view the entire system as flawed, and counter-intuitive, and I can’t dumb myself down enough to plod along … Continue reading Brain Fart
Warning: Pointless bitching ahead. Feel free to skip this one.
Not that things have been particularly bad, but they haven’t exactly been faboo lately either. I just seem to be on a bit of a streak of less than great luck with things these days and feel the need to have a short piss & moan session, and put them out to the universe in general as a formal notice of my complaint with the situation.
So without further ado, a general list of things that suck in my world lately:
Continue reading “Things that Suck”
Well, here you have it: the long-awaited answer to yesterday’s post.
But first, I must say I’m a bit disapointed that more people doubt my gastrointestinal fortitude, and my fishing skills than my outright ability to lie, cheat and steal. Except Donna that is – thanks for the vote of confidence!
Unfortunately for Donna, that’s all she gets, for she is incorrect.
The grand prize actually goes to the very first guess, by dearheart. I have never, ever run over a cat. Or any other animal larger than a rat for that matter (though some rats are as large as some cats – but not any rats that I’ve hit). But I digress…
Congratulations dearheart! Explanations of my strange truths in the extended entry…
Continue reading “Pieces of Me”
Stolen from Joelle. All of these things are true about me, except ONE! Guess which it is. First person who knows me (or wants to meet me) to get it right gets a beer (or other beverage of your choice). If you don’t know me, or live far, far away I’ll find something neat to … Continue reading Pants on Fire!
Coolest. Commercial. Ever. And filmed in Vancouver. Too bad we’ll never see it on TV here. Go Watch! Continue reading Watch This
Can I please have another weekend to recover from my weekend? Please? The old roommate is outta here. She does have her keys for another week, since she’s going to come by and pick up any stray mail etc. without having to bother me. But other than that, she’s officially no longer infringing on my … Continue reading A Little bit Crazy?
The movers have come and gone, and there is actually a minimum of wasteland left behind. CR is supposed to be coming back this evening to clean up some more (she’s got a load of stuff that needs to go outside for Big Brothers to take away). Other than that, I think it’s just a … Continue reading Aftermath
My Crazy Roommate (CR) finally arrived back at the house, and started (started!) packing at 7:00pm last night. She’s been going pretty much non-stop since then, with a few pauses to stop and cry helplessly. I fell asleep at about midnight, and she was still going – and she was back at it again the … Continue reading Welcome to the Jungle
I’ve been really getting used to typing on the laptop at home. At first it was frustrating, since I have exactly the same ergonomic keyboard at work as on the (still broken) desktop at home, and I would keep overshooting and jamming the keys on the laptop. Now I seem to have the opposite problem. … Continue reading Dancing Fingers
I don’t yet have a new roommate lined up – though a couple hopefuls are in the works. But the existing roomie is moving out ASAP (gee darn) and has movers scheduled to show up at 12:00 tomorrow. She almost started packing last night. And by almost, I mean she appears to have built about … Continue reading Magic 8 Ball