Bah Humbug

Those who worked with me last winter know that my mantra through the entire Christmas season was a daily Starbucks trip to procure a Grande Eggnog Latte and Cranberry Bliss Bar. Now that I’m on this whole health kick thing, I figured I’d check out the nutritional information of the aforementioned mid-morning snack. It consists … Continue reading Bah Humbug


Nothing like starting your Friday by surfing a little work-related porn. Also, I started my Christmas Shopping last night. I suppose that means it’s time to put up the tree & lights this weekend. The stuff I bought yesterday is all random “Christmas-themed Gifts.” Meaning they’re really cute, and not intended for anyone in particular. … Continue reading TGIF

Brain Fart

Some days I seriously doubt my ability to do my job. Funny thing though, it’s not because I don’t believe I’m smart enough – it’s because I’m too smart. On these kind of days, I tend to view the entire system as flawed, and counter-intuitive, and I can’t dumb myself down enough to plod along … Continue reading Brain Fart

Things that Suck

Warning: Pointless bitching ahead. Feel free to skip this one.

Not that things have been particularly bad, but they haven’t exactly been faboo lately either. I just seem to be on a bit of a streak of less than great luck with things these days and feel the need to have a short piss & moan session, and put them out to the universe in general as a formal notice of my complaint with the situation.

So without further ado, a general list of things that suck in my world lately:
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Pieces of Me

Well, here you have it: the long-awaited answer to yesterday’s post.

But first, I must say I’m a bit disapointed that more people doubt my gastrointestinal fortitude, and my fishing skills than my outright ability to lie, cheat and steal. Except Donna that is – thanks for the vote of confidence!

Unfortunately for Donna, that’s all she gets, for she is incorrect.

The grand prize actually goes to the very first guess, by dearheart. I have never, ever run over a cat. Or any other animal larger than a rat for that matter (though some rats are as large as some cats – but not any rats that I’ve hit). But I digress…

Congratulations dearheart! Explanations of my strange truths in the extended entry…
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The movers have come and gone, and there is actually a minimum of wasteland left behind. CR is supposed to be coming back this evening to clean up some more (she’s got a load of stuff that needs to go outside for Big Brothers to take away). Other than that, I think it’s just a … Continue reading Aftermath

Dancing Fingers

I’ve been really getting used to typing on the laptop at home. At first it was frustrating, since I have exactly the same ergonomic keyboard at work as on the (still broken) desktop at home, and I would keep overshooting and jamming the keys on the laptop. Now I seem to have the opposite problem. … Continue reading Dancing Fingers

Magic 8 Ball

I don’t yet have a new roommate lined up – though a couple hopefuls are in the works. But the existing roomie is moving out ASAP (gee darn) and has movers scheduled to show up at 12:00 tomorrow. She almost started packing last night. And by almost, I mean she appears to have built about … Continue reading Magic 8 Ball