Lest We Forget

In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now … Continue reading Lest We Forget


I am now thoroughly and utterly distraught. I’m posting this from my roommate’s computer, since I am an idiot, and broke the stupid ethernet dongle off IN THE FUCKING CARD on my laptop. I am obviously an idiot. So now I have one computer that doesn’t work at all, and another that can’t connect to … Continue reading *sob*


Calling all eligible bachelors (or bachelorettes for that matter): Are you having a fabulous Christmas party this season? Are you lacking an appropriate escort to said event? Look no further! I am available! And I am cute, and socially proficient! (Or at the very least, I will not get so drunk that I dance on … Continue reading Attention:

Holiday Cheer!

I’d like to draw everyone’s attention to the ‘Holiday Cheer’ section in the sidebar. If you’d like to receive a Christmas Card from me, email me your postal address, and away they will go! It doesn’t matter where you live – I’ll send a card to any complete address, anywhere around the world. Everyone loves … Continue reading Holiday Cheer!

PJ Day

And lo, I have dubbed this, the sixth Day of November in the year two thousand and four, official Pyjamma Day. This is a day wherein I will endeavor to spend the next 24 hours (at least) in my pyjammas, doing as little productive work as possible. I have been busy, yo! I am all … Continue reading PJ Day

Under my Feet

As you may or may not know, there have been a few minor earthquakes in my corner of the world over the past weeks. This is not unusual. But I find some of the headlines and taglines journalists are using to segue into the story highly amusing. A very popular one: “Today the Earth Moved” … Continue reading Under my Feet


When you’re one of those people who loves so readily and fully and deeply; when you’ve been in love so often before; how do you distinguish the “now” feelings from the “forever” ones? Or are they alll the same – with the one subtle difference of timing? Continue reading When?

Age of Darkness

Last weekend was not a good computer weekend for me. Meaning I blew the power supply on my desktop. At least, we’re hoping it’s the power supply. If it’s the motherboard, I will cry. In either case, I now own a desk full of $2000 worth of paperweight. Thank goodness for the laptop. But sometimes, … Continue reading Age of Darkness