Which Way..

Is it “Feed a Fever, Starve a Cold?” or does it go the other way around? Regardless, I have a horrible cold, and I want some chicken soup. Since my soup option is limited to whatever they carry at Save-On (it’s on my way home, and I’m not about to start cooking), what’s your favourite … Continue reading Which Way..

I feel Pretty

As the days go by, and I search my closet for “something to wear” it becomes painfully obvious that as time has gone by, my ability to look like a girl has flown right out the window. I’m still good with the makeup and hair, but the girlie clothes seem to have gone by the … Continue reading I feel Pretty

Zoom Zoom Zoom

This whole suddenly single thing seems to have livened me up a little bit. I had gotten very complacent, and sedentary, and anal about being absolutely prepared for anything and everything. My life was planned, down to the last detail, two weeks in advance. Which makes it very surprising that when I was invited to … Continue reading Zoom Zoom Zoom

Puffer Fish

Oh My. I better watch out for girls’ night, or I’m going to be a gazillion pounds, and never, ever attract anyone of the opposite sex. I will be 52 and surrounded by almost as many cats, and lots of two bite brownies. But – fun was had, food was consumed, movie was watched, stories … Continue reading Puffer Fish

Guten Morgen

The office is freezing. The coffee burnt my tongue, and it tastes like ass (extra annoying considering it’s not free). My pants are falling down, because the belt I bought is too big. I’m waiting for work to arrive via courier – until it does, I get to do exciting things like stuff envelopes. I … Continue reading Guten Morgen


Don’t you hate it when you have your sights set on something – and someone else totally fucks it up? I booked a hair appointment for this afternoon, and I was really looking forward to it. My hair is already a bit overdue for a cut & colour – and I DO NOT want to … Continue reading Flopsy

I P Freely

Have you ever had an experience where you walk into a public bathroom stall – and you wonder what the bathroom architect was smoking? I’m assuming here, that public bathrooms are designed all at once – not that they put toilets in, then the walls (or vice versa). There is one stall in the bathroom … Continue reading I P Freely

First Call

Holy crap. I just talked to him. I’ve really been avoiding him since it all went down last Thursday night, I figure if I pretend like he doesn’t exist (or went on a really long vacation), I won’t have to deal with “closure” and won’t get all weepy again. But you know, it wasn’t that … Continue reading First Call

All By Myself

So, for anyone who was waiting for the full version of what I alluded to before the weekend, here’s the low down: I broke up with my boyfriend. Although we love eachother a whole lot – that love doesn’t seem to mesh with the rest of the world. Some might say “well that’s not real … Continue reading All By Myself


Well, the big change has happened. I’m not being cryptic – I just don’t feel like talking about it right now. I’m sure that if you’ve been following along you can figure it out for yourself. So I’ve got some thinking to do – some getting used to the situation as it is now. I’m … Continue reading Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

Moving Forward

Seems like every time I try to get my life in order, I try to do everything at once, and end up crashing and burning. So I think it’s time to lay things out slowly, so that I develop some positive habits and maintain life at the standard I like it.
Continue reading “Moving Forward”