Although we’ve got the internet at our disposal at work, we’re under strict orders to not surf the net unless we’re on a break. And breaks are being monitored too – just in case you were wondering.
Not that I mind – A company’s gotta do what they gotta do to ensure that their employees are being productive. Unfortunately, it’s obvious that a few are ruining it for the many, meaning no “brain breaks” for me during the day, and definitely no catching up on the blogroll on company time.
On a totally unrelated note, I got my new drivers’ license today. I got the picture done Monday night, so I’m pretty impressed that it was in my mailbox this morning. I’m even more impressed that the picture doesn’t suck.
And I found a great recipe for a blueberry smoothie. It’s in the extended entry.
Only 4 more days, and hellmonth is officially over for me. I hope August is a little less insane.
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