It’s the Ill Na Na

I think I’m ill. This is not good. I have a headache that feels like it could get big – and for no good reason. I get headaches all the time, from lack of caffeine, eye strain, and hangovers. But I’m well-hydrated, well-caffeinated, and have been dutifully wearing my glasses. I’m also kinda sneezy and … Continue reading It’s the Ill Na Na


I wish I had something exciting to say, but I don’t. Instead, a brief book review. 50 Best Day Trips from Vancouver by Jack Christie. This is an ideal book for those of us (and I’m big-time guilty of it) who sit around on the weekend and say “there’s nothing to do”. Mr. Christie (you … Continue reading Bland

A Letter

Dear Post Office Employee, It’s obvious you’re new, and want to do a “good job” serving the esteemed clients of the Canada Post Corporation. But there is a fine line between good service, and overbearing. Also, if it takes you triple the time it takes most other employees to provide the same service – your … Continue reading A Letter

Telling Tales

Although he doesn’t always like to, my boyfriend is a really good listener when I really need to get something off my chest. And when I talk about him, I’ve got a few great listeners I can go to to do so. But now I’ve got something I’ve just gotta get off my chest that … Continue reading Telling Tales

Snail Mail

My order shipped on Friday. Canada Post’s delivery standard is to have it in my hot little hands no later than tomorrow. According to their tracking page (the worst tracking page ever, btw) it hasn’t yet left Missisauga. I am not a happy camper. ps. If anyone was concerned, I feel much better this … Continue reading Snail Mail


I am cranky and anxious. I could be proactive and try to exercise some of it off (which usually helps), but instead I’ll just bury myself in a book and hope I sleep through the night. Continue reading mrrrrrr

Month End

Finally, July (what I dubbed as “hell month”) is over. I’ve enjoyed almost every minute of it, but I was definitely starting to feel the more advanced signs of burnout, and need the break. Not that August will be much better, but things are definitely winding down. In the past month I’ve managed to tackle: … Continue reading Month End


It’s here people. Pub night at Frankie G’s. Come on down for a good time, and maybe win a game cube or a webcam or some other neat stuff – $800 in prizes all together. $12 gets you a burger & beer, and fun fun fun! Hope to see you there, the party starts at … Continue reading PUB NIGHT


So today doesn’t suck quite so badly after all. I bought 3 tickets for the computer raffle at work, and won myself a PC. It’s not as good as the one I’ve got at home now, but it only cost the $25 I spent on the tickets. I wonder what I should do with it….

Specs in the extended entry.
Continue reading “Hmm”


Oy. Can today just be over already? Thanks. In other news, I’m still in need of another pair (or 3) of helping hands for my hotdog sale this Sunday Aug. 1 from about 10am until 3-ish at IGA in New West. You’ll get free hotdogs, and the pleasure of my company. Oh, and that warm … Continue reading Zoooom


Although we’ve got the internet at our disposal at work, we’re under strict orders to not surf the net unless we’re on a break. And breaks are being monitored too – just in case you were wondering.

Not that I mind – A company’s gotta do what they gotta do to ensure that their employees are being productive. Unfortunately, it’s obvious that a few are ruining it for the many, meaning no “brain breaks” for me during the day, and definitely no catching up on the blogroll on company time.

On a totally unrelated note, I got my new drivers’ license today. I got the picture done Monday night, so I’m pretty impressed that it was in my mailbox this morning. I’m even more impressed that the picture doesn’t suck.

And I found a great recipe for a blueberry smoothie. It’s in the extended entry.

Only 4 more days, and hellmonth is officially over for me. I hope August is a little less insane.
Continue reading “Ramblings”

Birthday Goodies

The birthday was all sorts of good, and it just doesn’t stop! I already had the “family birthday” on Sunday, so I wasn’t expecting too much more pomp and circumstance through the week. I arrived to well-wishes and a card at work, and the day seemed to fly right by. Also, thanks for all the … Continue reading Birthday Goodies