So I go outside to water my tomatoes and soak in a bit of the sun, and what do I find attached the roof of my balcony?
Occasional musings from a Left-coast Canadian ExPat in Oxford.
So I go outside to water my tomatoes and soak in a bit of the sun, and what do I find attached the roof of my balcony?
This isn’t for your average cinematic waste of 136 minutes though.
I’m just so impressed with Carmen Electra’s Fit to Strip that I had to write about it.
It’s not often that I can find a fitness video that a) has exercises that seem custom designed for me, and b) doesn’t annoy the fuck outta me.
This is a hard workout. I’m not in fantastic shape, but I’m probably at a slightly above average fitness/strength level. And this video kicks my ass. Never before has any program rendered me dripping and quivering (with sweat and exhaustion, perverts) after the first 20 minutes.
Continue reading “Movie Review”
Normally I’m not one who tends to rant about fashion trends. I mean heck, if you can pull it off, power to ya. The latest trends may not be for me, but I won’t begrudge anyone their trucker hats or leg warmers or whatever makes them feel good. But I have to draw the line. … Continue reading Fashion Rant
You’re Bettie Page! What Classic Pin-Up Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Continue reading Me-OW
Am I the only one who things the stupid 2.5 minute musical montages at the ends of most dramatic series shows is getting a little ridiculous? You can’t watch a show these days without some 10 year old top 40 hit blasting at the end while the protagonists stroll in slow motion through the jail/hospital/cold … Continue reading It’s not over until…
I’m home, I’m mostly rested, quite well-fed, and finally….. content. You see, I was planning on leaving the aforementioned job in short order. In fact, I had made the decision last weekend, and was slowly starting the job search. I suppose now I just need to speed that process up a little 🙂 Working for … Continue reading Breathe
And faster than you can say “start-up company,” the one I was working for folded. So as of 8am this morning, I find myself in need of a job. I’m smart and cute, and have a really nice reference letter, so I should be able to find something soon-ish. Nevertheless, anyone who has some leads, … Continue reading Pass the Kleenex
All I gotta say is it’s a good thing today is yoga day. Oh, and I’m growing tomatoes on my balcony. This kind and this kind. Gardening is supposed to be good therapy… right… Right… RIGHT?!?!??!? Continue reading ohmmmmmm
Uhm, yah, hi. I know it’s been a while. I’ve been busy. Monday caught me totally off guard. I’m not ready for this yet – and as nice as the weekend was (happy belated Mothers’ Day to all the moms out there!), I want a do-over. Or at least some extra sleep. You know, there … Continue reading Huh?
Yah, it’s that one. The one where you post a memory of me in my comments and we both relive the moment in our minds and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I did all of yours, and I’m sick, so you’re officially obligated to reciprocate!!! (ps. I’m a whiny, demanding bitch when I’m sick.) Continue reading Me Memory Meme
I got a mosquito bite over the weekend so perhaps it’s West Nile or Malaria. I also burnt my arm on the iron – and that wound is looking a little inflamed -so perhaps it’s flesh eating disease. I’ve eaten beef & chicken and have Chinese friends – it could be a combination of Mad … Continue reading Somebody call 911
This entry could also be titled “ramblings of an addled mind.” Read on if you dare.
Oh, and this is long. Deal with it.
Continue reading “Back to the Grind”
While on vacation, it’s really easy to stay in bed until noon, eat nothing but sweets and drink wine, and ignore the rest of the world. Via Burnt Fuse – thanks for bringing my focus back to what matters. 1. Go grab Kleenex – 2 or 3 at least – better yet, grab the whole … Continue reading Today’s Required Reading
Day one of the perfect vacation.
You may all commence the seething jealousy now.
Continue reading “Beautiful Day”
I have no willpower. I succumbed to my inner ho and purchased Carmen Electra’s Aerobic Striptease 5 disc set. I am embarassed to say how much they ended up costing – but let’s just say getting them here was not cheap. Luckily, I find them soooooo worth it. Anything that has me working out for … Continue reading Best DVDs Ever