Booby Buddy!

So you all know by now that I’m Saving the Boobies. Well now we’ve got a pair! (and boobies are always better in multiples!) My goodbuddy Kyndra has decided to save the boobies with me! So sponsor me, or her, or better yet, both of us! I’m not sure how many we need for an … Continue reading Booby Buddy!


I just went to the dentist. My teeth ache like they’re going to fall out of my head. And I have a tiny cavity that I’m going back to get filled in a week. It’s not fair when stuff that’s supposed to be good for you hurts your body *and* your pocketbook. Continue reading Ow.

Most Excellent

Good Gravy it’s nice to see the Canucks play like themselves (the good way, not the bad way). And it’s even nicer to see them finally clinch that division title. I doubt it’ll be a cup year, but man that was some pretty hockey. To all the Oilers fans out there – I’m sorry. You … Continue reading Most Excellent

Movie Buff

I love movies. Unfortunately I hate paying for the theater, sitting with 50 other people who are never interested in shutting up, going to the video store, and I really hate returning videos. The video store is never on my way anywhere. I also don’t watch movies repeatedly, so purchasing DVDs is also not anything … Continue reading Movie Buff

Step by Step

No, not the NKOTB song.

I’m talking about my pedometer. I got one to measure how far I’m walking on my training walks – and it seemed to be working fine. Until I got on the treadmill at the gym the other night.

I figured I’d wear the pedometer on it, just for fun, to see how accurate it is. Apparently not very.

According to the treadmill I walked 1.34 miles – which is 2.15 kilometers. The pedometer said I walked a measly 1.84kms.

It’s actually pretty encouraging. It means the walk I went on the other day that took me 45 mins to cover what I thought was only 3.35 kilometers is actually much closer to 4k. I just have to re-calculate my gait and reset the device.

But couldn’t you see the headlines if I never discovered this? I’d be walking along in August with my pedometer on, finishing the End Cancer walk at what I thought was 10k too soon…
Continue reading “Step by Step”

Save the Boobies!

Next bit of excitement here: I’m going to be participating in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer. For those who know me, this is a stretch. I am lazy. I am selfish. I am not athletic. I hate talking about money – nevermind asking people for it. I also needed a severe kick in the … Continue reading Save the Boobies!


Ok, could I *be* any busier lately? Real life is such a bitch sometimes! First bit of excitement: I decided to take some of my fat tax return and finally buy a grown-up tv! Ever since I first moved out on my own (5 years ago for anyone who’s counting) I’ve been suffering with a … Continue reading Jen

Twitch City

I feel all twitchy. Can’t sit still. I’m also not really eating – every time I try, I feel nauseous. I just want to feel calm. Embrace the Zen. It’s not happening for me. And it’s been 2 days. And I don’t like it. Suggestions? Continue reading Twitch City

Question Period

Thanks Col! If anyone wants some questions, leave a message in the comments, and I’ll do my best to create some. Now for the answers: 1. If you had a choice of changing your name, what would you change it to? My mom wanted to name me Solange – but my dad wanted something he … Continue reading Question Period

Six Six Six

Sixes are a whole bunch of words; harmony,friendship, family life, loyal, reliable,loving, and you adapt easily. You do well inteaching and the arts, but are oftenunsuccessful in business. You are prone togossip and complacency. The Pythagoreansregarded six as the perfect number because oflots of math things; six is divisible by bothtwo and three, and was … Continue reading Six Six Six

Story Time

Today, I am reminded of a story. Something that happened a number of years ago, that illustrated to me, for the first time, the sheer stupidity of the human race. I was in highschool, and walking to the bank one day at lunch. I happened to see a guy that I knew, let’s call him … Continue reading Story Time

Hockey Talk

I know, there are more important world events to discuss right now. But, I wanted to share this article that I found via Mel.

It basically says everything I tried to say in my earlier entry, only much better.

Perhaps after reading this, those earlier commenters who feel that they can legitimately compare the incident to the same thing happening in any other occupation or situation, will grab a firmer grip on reality, and consider WHY the incident happened – not just the aftermath.

I strongly recommend that anyone who’s not a hockey fan or doesn’t understand today’s game very well give this a read. It explains everything that’s wrong in today’s game. Perhaps NHL players should have “STOP” signs on the backs of their jerseys too.

I liked the article so much, in fact, that I’ve posted it in its entirety in the extended entry.

Thoughtful discussion encouraged. Flaming and ignorance can be taken elsewhere.
Continue reading “Hockey Talk”

Freight Train

So we went out to the Foggy Dew last night. Cool place, don’t know why I never bothered to make it out there before yesterday. It was also really great, since (as birthdays tend to do) a lot of people that we don’t see much anymore made the effort to come out. The old gang … Continue reading Freight Train